August 30, 2011

Today, we delivered a basket of food & goodies to one of my best friends staying at the Ronald McDonald House at The Toledo Hospital. She and her husband had triplet girls, born at 30 weeks gestation. They are doing great, but will be in the NICU for several weeks until they are big enough & strong enough to come home. Please pray for the girls - Mia, Brynn, and Adrie - and for their parents :)

We also sent a prepaid VISA to the family of a little baby in the PICU at U of M. She has some digestive issues & the family is traveling back and forth each day to be with her. Please pray for baby Sophia & her parents. We hope this gift card will help pay for some of their expenses.

August 26, 2011

A few weeks ago, we sent a prepaid VISA gift card to a family whose baby boy, Maddox, was born at 34 weeks gestation and he had to be in the NICU for several weeks. We actually just found out that he went home today, so this is wonderful news! We hope this VISA was able to help this family during their stay in the hospital! Please pray for continued strength for baby Maddox & his family!

August 19, 2011

I just realized that I missed a post about a month back. We sent a prepaid VISA to the family of a little boy, Gage, who is in the PICU at the hospital up in Ann Arbor. The family is staying at the hospital with him and we know what that is like, so we wanted to send them something to help in some small way. Hopefully, they can use this gift card to pay for food or whatever else they may need. Please pray for Gage and his family!

August 11, 2011

Today, we sent out 2 prepaid VISA gift cards. One went to a family whose little girl has recently been diagnosed with Progeria. Although she is not currently in the hospital, we know she will have many doctor and hospital visits for her continued care & we hope this gift card will help in some small way. We pray for this family and their sweet daughter, Carley :)

The other gift card went to a family whose baby boy, Samuel, was born prematurely and will be in the NICU for several weeks. We pray that this gift card will help this family as they travel back and forth to and from the hospital each day to be with their baby.

We know how difficult it can be to have a child in the hospital, so please pray for strength for both of these families and for healing of baby Samuel & Carley! Thank you so much!